A day on a movie set

In such a difficult global time, during which it’s extremely difficult to travel, at ICS Technologies S.r.l. we have looked at the situation from a completely different perspective, transforming discomfort into added value.

Although our systems are regularly manufactured and shipped all around the world, often the imposed restrictions not allow our engineers to reach sites for the installation and commissioning, neither allow our customers to take part in face-to-face training programs at our facilities.

So, we have commissioned professional videos that, in combination with the 24/7 remote support provided by our customer care service, enable our customers to perform the installation, setting to work, and commissioning of the delivered systems in complete autonomy and with extreme simplicity.

This is possible by ICS Technologies’ innovative Plug & Play approach, which greatly simplifies installation and drastically reduces the timeframe, allowing the projects’ successful completion even without on-site intervention by our specialized technical staff.

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